Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Lenten Lament #74

 Lenten Lament #74

a lonely place

browned over in last year’s harvest

whitened in the covering snows

of forced resting

life hidden so deep

the surface like death

brittle cold fragile

in the dark

wondering if life

is possible again

death seems so…


and then the

smallest sign of swell in the buds

the hint of fresh in the air

a flash of robin red against the dull

a hairline fracture in the mud

suggesting something 

pushing toward light

from darkened life

long nights give way

to equal light 

make way for this 

liminal moment of 

greening signaling 

life triumphs


for those who wait

for those who watch

for those who remember

days of faithfulness

in nights of despair.

1 comment:

  1. The power of hope and faith, the power of His promise in the darkest hour.
