Impending death greatly concentrates the mind. The
priorities get real sharp real fast. All kinds of things suddenly don't matter
at all - and some things are more important than life itself.
Jesus' whole life was lived in the shadow of his death. We
get hints of it every once in a while as we see the look in his eyes as he
nears Jerusalem, or as he talks about the Kingdom of God, or as he gazes into
sightless eyes, or as he speaks into open tombs. The look is that of a man who
knows where he came from and where he is going. It is an uncommon look.
He had a single, simple focus. His life was concentrated by
death. If his life seems somehow more vibrant and richer than those around him,
perhaps that is why. Theirs were lived in varying shades of gray, his in the
brilliant spectrum of every color of the rainbow. It is one of the reasons why
people, even those who eventually turned away, were attracted to him in the
first place. He was fully alive. And those near him seemed somehow to share in
that life.
You only get to be that way - fully alive - by gazing
steadily into your own tomb. By living with death as a way of life.
That defining gaze allowed him to embrace lepers; to play
freely with children and others who could do him no good; say what needed to be
said without fear; to let some people define themselves as his enemies; to risk
ridicule and rejection. He not only marched to the beat of a different drummer,
he had a whole new marching band playing out his life! He lived to please no
one but his Father in Heaven.
And what is more, he invites us to do the same. He invites
us to come and die with Him. To die daily. And having died, to really fully
live. Those who have embraced their death have nothing left to lose. And are
free to live - flamboyantly, vibrantly, completely - until the death they have
embraced, embraces them - and ever after.
Thanks Bill - really Encouraged by this one.