Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Day After Yesterday

Yesterday she had a fiancé who could hardly believe his good fortune that their families had been able to arrange their union. He looked at her with shining eyes and a sense of pride that comes from love supported by honor.
Yesterday she looked forward to her wedding day – the happiest day of her young life – capping a week long celebration with family and friends.
Yesterday she had a reputation that was beyond question. Her family held her in high esteem – and carried no shame because of her.
Yesterday, her tomorrows looked bright!
Yesterday, she was a single, betrothed, virgin – the pride and joy of her family, the love of Joseph’s life...
Today, she is a single, pregnant, virgin – betrothal in question. How can this be? Indeed. How? Indeed . . . can it be true at all? As real as it seemed, could it have been a dream? A nightmare? She would have to wait . . . and the truth would be born. Or not.
Today, everything she once believed, everything she once hoped for her tomorrows was lost in yesterday’s dark mists. Her life was not altered – not changed. It was ended. A new life had begun – much less secure, much less joy-full, much less bright. Much less...
Escaping the glares and stares of tomorrow she headed for the hills, seeking refuge in the safe home of her aunt and uncle who themselves knew something of angels and untimely births.
Nearing the familiar home her greeting rang out. She was startled to see Elizabeth come rushing out the door. having told no one her news, she was astonished to hear the loud response to her greeting, “Blessed are you! Blessed is the child you bear! Blessed am I that the mother of my Lord should visit me!”
“How did you know?”
Elizabeth, laughing, pointed to her still leaping, still yet to be born, son. “He is already preparing the way! He is already bearing witness! He is already leaping for joy!”
It was all true! And in ways that she could never have known. There was nothing for it but for Mary to settle into this new tomorrow – and rejoice! And so, she did!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad we do not know more about Mary's mother and father. They must have been 35-45 years of age (if living) and must have been a special influence in her life.
