Sunday, November 29, 2020

The First of Advent

First of Advent

Always darkest before dawn

we have heard

and it seems to be true in reflection


we may miss an essential awareness

that the darkness will come around


as will the dawn which makes it darkest

the Preacher’s observations remind us

of the essential return of darkness and


so routinized is the return of each that

we scarcely notice - and often miss

that, while repeated, they are never quite

the same

each cycle moving us incrementally forward

towards a telos grander than can be approached

quickly without regard to the preparation of

repetition with attention

were who is coming small enough to 

receive without preparation we wouldn’t need

the training of repetition but such a One requires

that we prepare Him room

and that takes slowed and repeated and attended to


and so, in this darkest darkness we pause

we prepare 

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